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Discmania Adds Six to Team Discmania in 2020

Tour / Promotions

As we approach the start of the 2020 disc golf season, we’re excited to announce six additions to Team Discmania and some promotions within the team itself.

Help us welcome Dustin Keegan, Gavin Rathbun, Mike Carman, Vincent Polidori, Connor Endy, and Caleb Bruce to Team Discmania!

Dustin Keegan

Dustin Keegan

From Eugene, Oregon, Dustin Keegan is currently the highest rated disc golfer to join Team Discmania in 2020.

“My disc golf career has officially come full circle,” Keegan says. “Discmania was the first company I ever wanted to be sponsored by back when I started playing pro and now that I'm finally apart of the team, it's a dream come true! With the addition of working with DiscGolfPark, I can finally combine my passions of playing at the highest level with building courses that can host the highest level of players.”

From Team Manager Avery Jenkins: “Dustin is a seasoned veteran competing in the pro open division for past 10-years and a touring professional playing in tournaments all over the country since 2014. Being a top rated player, Dustin is an excellent addition to the team as a competitive player along with the attributes that he brings as an instructor in association with Zoe Andyke at UPlay Disc Golf. Look for them to utilize the sport to spread happiness and healthy habits for players of all ages throughout the country this year."

Gavin Rathbun

Gavin Rathbun

Gavin Rathbun marks a rising star for Team Discmania. Currently living in Bradenton, Florida, Rathbun is ready to represent the shield.

"I have great respect for Discmania and the accomplished team,” Rathbun says. “I look forward to representing Discmania on and off the course in 2020 along with taking my game to the next level with such great plastic in my bag."

From Team Manager Avery Jenkins: “Gavin is dominant regional player originally from Illinois and now hailing from sunshine state but now ready to hit the road for his first year as a touring professional. He is the 2016 United States Amateur Disc Golf Champion making him the 3rd Am Nats Champ joining Colten Montgomery and Kyle Klein on the current Team Discmania roster. I’m expecting big things from him on tour this season.”

Mike Carman

Mike Carman

Mike Carman is the first addition to Team Discmania from the 2019 Discmania Combine events. From Ottsville, Pennsylvania, Carman caught our eye right away with his Combine performance.

"Being on Team Discmania has boosted my confidence to the next level, the commitment and support they put towards the team is like know other,” Carman says. “Going into this season I had goals to join Team Discmania so I buckled down played to my best ability, thus far and also performed in the Discmania combine to get my name out there. Going into this season on the team I have all the tools I need for success and there’s nothing that’s going to stop me from reaching my goals."

From Team Manager Avery Jenkins: “Mike qualified at the Pennsylvania Discmania Combine. He has been averaging 25 tournaments a season for the past 8-years including some big wins against some notable east coast legends the likes of Mike Moser and a major champion, Steve Brinster. His outgoing personality is as unique as his game as he put up a string of consistent finishes this season. I truly believe that this going to be a huge break out year for him."

Vincent Polidori

Vincent Polidori

Our eye for up and coming young disc golfers continues with the addition of Vincent Polidori. Another Discmania Combine addition, Polidari traveled from his hometown of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin to Minnesota for last year’s Combine event.

“Being on Team Discmania means a lot to me because I want to do great things in disc golf and I know this company will support me,” Polidari says. “Starting this year, I want to prove that I can compete at a high level and I feel like I can do that with Discmania.”

From Team Manager Avery Jenkins: “Vincent qualified at the Minnesota Discmania Combine. He is a young up-and-coming pro from the midwest that has put up 13-wins in his first 2-seasons since stepping up in the MPO ranks. He is an incredibly skillful putter and brings to the table one of the fastest arms around clocking in at 73-mph. I could totally envision him getting after it this year at some of the bigger events and making a name for himself."

Connor Endy

Connor Endy

Connor Endy is the third addition to the Team through the Discmania Combine and the second to make it through Pennsylvania. The Barto, Pennsylvania native has been quickly climbing the ranks and is ready to compete at a higher level.

“Becoming part of Team Discmania by going through the Discmania Combine was a culmination of lots of hard work and dedication,” Endy says. “Being able to represent such an awesome company will give me confidence on the course and help me play to my full potential. I am proud to be a part of such a talented team and innovative company.”

From Team Manager Avery Jenkins: “Connor qualified at the Pennsylvania Discmania Combine. He is another young player that has been incredible dominant in the Junior/Amateur division finishing the season with 3-wins in Advanced and even played a few pro events. A former baseball player with a big frame and strong arm, he definitely uses his strength to his advantage. He is now known as the “Disc Golf Kid” at this local high school as he has aspirations of being a 1000-rated player and looking to play 25+ events in 2020. The sky is the limit for Connor as I look forward to seeing what the future holds."

Caleb Bruce

Caleb Bruce

Caleb Bruce marks the final addition to Team Discmania and the fourth member to qualify through the Discmania Combine. From Pawhuska, Oklahoma, Bruce made the trip to the Colorado Combine event and qualified in Discmania’s backyard.

“Being part of Team Discmania is very exciting and motivating,” Bruce says.
“Since the Discmania Combine in June of 2019, I knew Discmania was unique and a company I could only dream of representing. Now, that dream has come true and I’m looking to make the most of my 2020 disc golf season!”

From Team Manager Avery Jenkins: “Caleb qualified at the Colorado Discmania Combine. He was an all-around high school three sport athlete in Football, Baseball and Wrestling. It's the heat of the competition fuels the fire and this is what has driven him in every sport that he has ever participated in. He is incredibly passionate, self motivated and no matter the situation, he always has a smile on his face. It’s his overall personality that has made him a standout prospect for Team Discmania. Given the time to gain some tournament experience, he has all the potential in the world to do some amazing things within this sport.”

Team Discmania Promotions

Along with the six additions to Team Discmania, a number of current members have been promoted within the team:

2020 Discmania Combine Dates

Many have inquired about the dates for the 2020 Discmania Combine. Plans are being finalized and we hope to have something to announce soon. As you can see, the Combine not only is the best way to land a spot on Team Discmania, it’s worth traveling to.

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