DNA discs collection now available!

Discmania C-line Release March 7th! Check out the vid!

Guess what is the most popular question we've been asked in the past 10 months? We'll give you hint: It's got everything to do with those clear bright pieces of plastic you've probably seen as fundraisers for Presidents Cup, Asia Open and so forth. We're talking about the C-line. The much anticipated new plastic blend from Discmania that not only offers you amazing durability, but also the kind of grip that once the disc hits your hand, you know it's just right.

So the secret is finally out. The C-line will be released worldwide on 7th of March. Be sure to ask for your favorite retailer to hit you up!

As you may have noticed from our blog there's been somewhat of a mystery revolving around a specific set of these Discmania C-line discs, prototypes to be exact. Well the mystery has been sort of revealed. By sort of, we mean we've got something to show you:

Now, we'll left you with that thought. Just remember: even after all this, there just might still be a little more to the story... So be sure to check back later!

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