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Discmania Combine 2017

A new Discmania Combine season is here!

This year we'll bring the tour in Europe for the first time. We are excited to see who will sign up for our pre-European Open Combine event in Finland in July. We'll have total of four events this season.

Last year we got four new team players: Sarah Amaya, Dylan Lhotak, Logan Riding and Grady Shue. This season we'll recruit three players. Read more about the concept on the tour page here.

Here's our schedule - sign up now to secure your spot!

  • Saturday, April 22nd: Blue Valley Disc Golf Course – Kansas City, MO, USA [Sign up]
  • Monday, July 17th: Nokia DiscGolfPark – Nokia, Finland [Sign up]
  • Saturday, August 12th: The Ponds at Lakeshore Disc Golf Course – Ypsilanti, MI, USA [Sign up]
  • Saturday, September 30th: Oregon Park Disc Golf Course – Marietta, GA, USA [Sign up]


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