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From the Community: Discmania Instinct Reviews

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At Discmania, we’ve been looking forward to this moment for quite a while. The Evolution is finally here with the release of the first disc in the Discmania Evolution lineup. The Discmania Instinct is our newest fairway driver and it is quickly becoming one of our most popular discs.

The demand on the Discmania Store, InnovaStore, and our dealers around the world has been overwhelming. If you are still on the fence about picking one up, it’s best to check out some of the thoughts of those in the disc golf community.

Andrew Castro

Discmania Media Team member Andrew Castro fires up his drone and gives a great walkthrough of the Instinct. It’s easy to see just how the Instinct flies from these angles.

Utility Disc Golf, Tanner Labelle

Tanner Labelle and the folks at Utility Disc Golf went to Alton Baker Disc Golf Course in Eugene, Oregon to test drive the Instinct. Along with the thoughts from Labelle himself, a number of locals also got in on the action.

Flick Maniac, Mikko Setälä

We head to Finland to catch up with Mikko Setälä, Flick Maniac, to see what he thinks of the new Instinct. He also compares the Instinct to the Royal Rage FD2 and the popular CD2.

Thunder Disc Golf, Davey Thunder

The man behind Thunder Disc Golf also took the comparison route and looked at how the Instinct stood up against the Royal Rage FD2, Night Strike II FD, and Second Run FD.

Bart Kowalewski

Team Discmania’s Bart Kowalewski took some time away from the tournament scene to give his thoughts on the new Instinct and how it also stacks up to the FD2. There is likely a place for both in the bag.

Anneli Tõugjas

Anneli Tõugjas of Team Discmania and Robi Männiste gave the Instinct a shot too. This review is in Estonian, so remember to turn on the subtitles/closed captioning if your Estonian is a bit rusty.

If you have been thinking about grabbing a new Discmania Instinct, now is the time! Check out the Discmania Store, InnovaStore, or your local Discmania Dealer.

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