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Discmania Joins House of Discs

To all Discmaniacs and disc golf fans,

Discmania joined House of Discs earlier this Summer, but remains as an independent brand with its own strategy. This partnership will provide Discmania unique opportunities when it comes to production and product development. We’re excited for this change in the background, since this allows us to serve Discmania fans better in the future.

In the coming years, House of Discs will invest in the growth of disc golf as a whole to ensure that each brand, including Discmania, in the group receives the financial assets and professional expertise to grow to a level that elevates the sport, and the brands, to new heights. This group will allow Discmania to have the most success, opportunity, and growth in the coming years.

Q&A about Discmania joining House of Discs:

What is House of Discs?

House of Discs (HoD) is a group of world-wide known disc golf brands such as Discmania, Latitude64, Dynamic Discs, Westside Discs and Kastaplast.

Will Discmania remain as own brand?

Yes, this change is only in the background. Discmania will continue as an independent brand with its own strategy.

How this will affect Discmania products?

Short term, nothing will change on the product level. Our products will continue to be produced in Sweden in a state-of-the-art factory. Longer term, Discmania discs will have the latest HoD innovations in materials, production technology and decoration.

Discmania was founded in 2006, and since then we have been the challenger pushing the envelope in this industry. This partnership is the start of new chapter at Discmania, and I´m very excited about it. I want to thank everyone for being part of this journey!

Jussi Meresmaa
Founder, Discmania

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