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Discmania Moves to Colorado

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Ever since our founding in 2006, we have had the vision of being the world’s leading disc golf company. With the main Discmania headquarters in Tampere, Finland, we soon made things truly international and opened our first United States based office in California.

Discmania USA has had a home in Rancho Cucamonga, California since 2014. We have loved being in the heart of the California disc golf scene, but we are excited for Discmania USA’s next chapter.

We are capping off the Year of the Shield by packing up and moving our operations to Wellington, Colorado. Located about an hour from Denver and just minutes from Fort Collins, we are excited to call Wellington our new home.

Why Colorado?

When we were looking for what our next chapter might entail, our staff had a lot of input on what was possible. Two Discmania staff members, Sales Manager Austin Montgomery and Store Manager Chris Brubeck are both from Colorado and raved about the state and the Colorado disc golf scene.

Montgomery is excited to be back home, but is excited for what this means for Discmania, "The business opportunities we will have are energizing. Colorado is a perfect fit for Discmania. We have a course five minutes from the warehouse, we’re in a small growing town that wants to help us grow, and we have a ton of support from the local players. We can't wait to get started."

Throughout the planning process we have realized the potential of what this move could mean for not only Discmania, but disc golfers everywhere. We’ve already felt the love from the locals and can’t wait to spread our wings as we settle in.

"We weighed multiple options around the move and what would be the best location for us," Discmania CEO Jussi Meresmaa says. "Colorado and Wellington have a lot of upside for us and the right place to grow. We can be a big player in a small community and we will have a great disc golf scene right next to us in Fort Collins. While California is a cool and awesome place to visit, doing business there is different story."

Is Discmania Hiring?

One of the most frequent questions we have received about the move is if we are looking to expand our staff. At this moment in time we aren’t planning on any hiring and will make any announcement at the appropriate time.

We are very grateful to the rest of the staff who are also packing their bags and have agreed to make the move with us. We couldn’t be doing this without them.

This is also a reminder that our new home is not a retail operation and not open to the public. We are confident that we’ll cross paths on the local courses before long.

Ready for the Future

Once the move to Colorado was finalized, we already got started by surveying the local tournaments, courses, and what the disc golf community is like.

"We have great things in the works for Colorado in form of events and projects. I'm excited for what future will bring us in our new home," Meresmaa says.

We’re looking forward to sharing our plans, but we first need to get our operations up and running. For those outside of Colorado, have no fear. As we get things moving around our new home, the rest of the world is next. There is no slowing down.

If you thought the Year of the Shield was exciting, just wait until 2019.

Colorado, here we come!

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