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DITG ep 2 - Contest winners

As the third episode of Deep in the Game came out yesterday, it's time to announce the winners to our sticker spotting contest for episode 2. In episode 2 the sticker was pretty well hidden so you really needed to have the player on full screen and high quality to able to spot the sticker. Despite this, we once again got hundreds of answers in our contest and the randomly selected winners have already been contacted. Congrats to Hana, Chad and Zachary, we hope you enjoy your new discs!

So where was the sticker?

The sticker was attached to a basket pole just a little above the ground during Avery's slo-mo drive at 7:43-7:44.

Sticker hidden in the Basket pole. Click to enlarge.

Thanks for everyone who submitted answers! We are really sorry we don't have the time to answer to everyone individually. Now maybe you should focus on your sidearm next, who knows maybe there's even a Discmania sticker lurking somewhere in that video too ;D


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