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European Open Returns for 2019

Tour / Promotions

The Lion is back.

The original European disc golf major returns in 2019. The premier European disc golf event is confirmed for July 18-21 in Nokia, Finland at traditional course nicknamed “The Beast.”

The European Open origins reach back as far as 1998 when Discmania CEO, and current European Open promoter, Jussi Meresmaa arranged the first disc golf event in Epilä with 29 players (27 Open and two amateurs). This event grew over time to become the European Open we enjoy today.

Since then, the event has grown to see over 10,000 fans trek to Nokia during the week of the event. 21 years since the beginning, 2019 will mark the ninth edition of the European Open.

“The European Open is a unique disc golf event and we really want to take it to the next level in 2019,” says promoter Jussi Meresmaa.

For 2019, the European Open will see a number of updates including an improved Tournament Centre, minor changes to the course and an expanded media plan. More updates on these will follow later in the Spring.

“We will also bring the Presidents Cup back and make it bigger and better,” Meresmaa says. “I would like to see Europe to take the title just like they did in Ryder Cup last week in France.”

The Presidents Cup is held the day before the European Open on Wednesday, July 17.

The European Open will host both MPO and FPO divisions as well as Team USA and Europe for the eighth Presidents Cup.

Follow the latest news about the event at the European Open website and on social media: European Open on Facebook & European Open on Instagram.

Fundraiser Color Glow C-Line MD5 Release

To celebrate the 2019 event, Discmania is releasing highly collectible Color Glow C-Line MD5 with a classic European Open Lion stamp. Fundraiser discs will be available at the Discmania Store on Tuesday 9 p.m. Pacific Time as well as limited stock on Wednesday at the Discmania booth at the 2018 United States Disc Golf Championship.

EU release at the InnovaStore to follow later this week.

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