Gannon Ice Age discs available now!

FD release March 12th!

The day you've been waiting for is upon us! We're finally pushing the much-anticipated Discmania FD out the door and to the retailers. The international release date has been set to March 12th, but most of our retailers will probably receive these with a delay of a couple of days.

Discmania FD Jackal

The FD has been the most anticipated release from us in terms of new molds in the last couple of years. FD, short for Fairway Driver, will serve as the first true Fairway Driver in our line-up. Number one reason for us to develop a Fairway Driver was public demand - we've been flooded with requests for a disc like this for a good while now. Additionally we're pretty happy with our current high-speed line-up and the variance it offers in different plastic blends and thus felt like we really needed to put our focus in making the best possible Fairway Driver out there.

The Jackal has been described to have the flight pattern of a seasoned TeeBird*. It's best feature is it's predictability. Once you get the the hang of the Jackal, you'll never leave it out of your bag again. One of the features we really enjoy is that due to it's tremendous glide (rated at 6) it can also be sneaky long. Longest measured throw with the FD is currently at 174m / 571ft. Not bad for a Fairway Driver ;)

*(We're well aware that comparing each new disc to a TeeBird has gotten a bit old, but if you're in doubt, try it yourself. This one really does hold the comparison.)

Need pics? Get them here: D-line FD 1200px | S-line FD 1200px

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