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Finland's Disc Golf Future: Oskari Vikström and Niklas Anttila

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The deeper you get into the disc golf scene, the quicker you tend to find the European disc golf hotbed of Finland. Throughout Europe, it is easily the most competitive and strongest of any disc golf scene on the continent. There are two specific Finnish disc golfers who are starting to make a name for themselves and they are doing it while still being teenagers. Team Discmania’s Niklas Anttila and Oskari Vikström each took down a Finnish Junior Championship in 2018 and just recently teamed up to win the 2019 Finnish Doubles Championships.

The win was a bit of a battle for the pair, especially after carding a bogey on the very first hole of the three-round tournament. The undesirable start was soon forgotten and the duo charged forward to a two shot win. In fact, they carded 15 birdies in the second round to help push them forward. A clutch birdie on the final hole ultimately sealed the deal.

“I think it's really easy to play along side each other because we have been doing it for a while now,” Vikström says about the partnership. “It's also very important to show no emotion when the other one of us throws a bad shot. I think it's awesome to be competing on this level so young because I have a lot of time to reach the top.”

Anttila agreed, “It was easy to play with Oskari because we are good friends. We were showing positive vibes only. It was important not to get frustrated after bad shots.“

Oskari Vikström and Niklas Anttila

While we’re not even in the peak of the disc golf season yet, Antilla added that this is a nice boost, “It feels so good to compete on a level this high. It gives me the feeling of work paying off.”

“The win felt awesome! That gave me a boost to keep practicing because I knew the hard work is paying off,” says Vikström.

During the Finnish Doubles event, and in recent tournaments, Vikström says he’s been reaching for this Glow C-Line MD4 for forehand upshots and the new DD3 for long bombs. Anttila was reaching for the Color Glow C-Line MD3 for his straight shots. He also couldn’t pass up the DD3 for maximum distance.

We know we’ve said this before, but it won’t be long until you see Vikström and Antilla across the top of disc golf leaderboards around the world.

Thanks to photographer Jari Mäki-Kuutti for the photo.

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