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From the Community: Discmania Link Reviews

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The first putter in the Discmania Evolution line, the Discmania Link, has hit the market and has very quickly made some positive impressions at disc golf courses around the world.

This new beaded putter is something that fans of Discmania have wanted to see for some time and we’re pretty excited about the outcome.

Friends of Discmania and our Media Partners have taken a look at the Link and have shared their thoughts on how it performs on the course. Along with the videos below, Utility Disc Golf wrote a very in-depth blog post on the new Discmania Link.

Caddie Disc Golf

Ryan Miller from Caddie Disc Golf gives a great look at how it compares to other putters in the Discmania lineup and shows how it holds up inside the circle and off the tee.

Andrew Castro

Andrew comes through again with a fun review of the Link and talks about the new Exo plastic too.

Crushing Plastic, Mikko Setälä

Mikko continues with the comparison with other Discmania putters including the P1x.

Anneli Tõugjas

Team Discmania’s Anneli Tõugjas gives another great review in Estonian. English subtitles are included.

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