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Instagram Picks of the Shield: January 2019

Disc Life

Now that 2019 is fully underway, we hope you found some time to disc golf. Don’t let the snow keep you away from the course. You can really hit the basics when the snow is on the ground so you’re ready to go for the warmer weather. Be sure to read our winter disc golf tips for ideas on what to work on.

We browsed the Instagram hashtags of #discgolf, #discmania, and #disclife to see what we could find for this month’s showcase. Keep the photos coming! We love seeing them.


Swirly PD2s are one of our favorites.


Excited is an understatement when it comes to the new DD3!


Lefty disc golf love!


Those in colder climates are jealous.


Have to keep them clean! Looking great.


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#ace 7 #discmania

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Congrats on the ace!


And another ace! This one with the Doombird 2!


Three Cloud Breakers?! Calm yourself!


Just a super clean photo of one of our favorites.


Winter disc golf is great. Keep it up!


Beautiful looking DiscGolfPark in Latvia!


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Today’s a day I’ll never forget — I finally snagged my first ace!!! It was on a 299 ft blind hole (17 at Circle C Metro Park) so I didn’t get the chance to see it go in, but I’ll never forget the angelic sound of that glorious, glorious chain bang. The throw that did it was a RHBH with a @discmaniadiscs @simon_lizotte Doom Bird II from @discstore seeing only its second round ever in my bag. Yeah, that’s a disc mold I’ll be bagging forever now. The best part of it all is that I got to experience my first ace with both @flexforehand (the guy who got me into disc golf 5 months ago) and @flexbackhand (who taught me how to throw a backhand 5 months ago). Can’t wait to play in the Lone Star Classic on this very course for my first tournament next month! #discgolffever #discgolf #innovachampiondiscs #discmania #simonlizotte #doombirdii #circlec #austin #atx #austintexas #discgolface #holeinone #discgolfaces #holesinone #gripeq #adidasterrex #discgolflife #discgolfing #discgolfnation #discgolfdaily #discgolfeveryday #frisbeegolf #discgolfshoutouts #discgolfislife #discgolfusa #discmember #discgolfholes

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Another Doombird 2 ace!


Simon Lizotte made his way to Wisconsin for the Indoor Disc Golf Experience. Looks like he made some new friends.


More friends from Wisconsin.


-11 outside?! Didn’t slow Simon down at all.


Let’s see what’s in the bag! We can’t wait!

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