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Instagram Picks of the Shield: July 2018

Disc Life

The second half of the calendar year is underway and disc golf courses everywhere are packed on a regular basis. From Czech Republic to the United States, we found some great shots on Instagram in July.

I only take selfies when I throw aces ;) #ace #discgolf #doombird2 #discmania

A post shared by Jonathan Mantay (@jonathanmantay) on

Congrats on the Doombird ace!

Eagle was certainly having some fun at the Konopiste Open.

Just clowning around. #frisbee #juggle #discmania

A post shared by Andrew Van Lanen (@andrewvanlanen) on

This just looks fun!

Holy cow. Holy buffalo? Regardless, this is outstanding. Great dye job on the Dana Vicich Roaming Thunder.

The custom stamp game is strong on those D-Line P2s! We love custom stamps!

Congrats again to Leo Piironen!

Have you seen the latest run of PDs? Team Discmania's Dustin Ryalls is a fan!

Don’t forget to tag @discmaniadiscs and use the hashtags #discgolf, #disclife, or #discmania in your posts. Keep the photos coming! We love seeing what you come up with..

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