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Instagram Picks of the Shield: July 2019

Disc Life

July was a great month for disc golf. Great tournament action around the world along with numerous aces from disc golfers everywhere. Instagram disc golf photos were on fire this month.

Remember, tag @discmaniadiscs and use the hashtags #discmania or #disclife to have the chance to see your disc golf photos on Instagram featured.


We noticed a lot of aces this month! We’ll start with this Instinct ace!


Followed by a G-Line FD ace. Nicely done!


Beautiful shot. Looks like a great day for disc golf.


Triple Mando P2 ace. Nice way to close things out.


What a cool looking shot. That birdie looks to be at home.


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A very successful Discmania Combine (@discmaniacombine) Event in Wellington, Colorado with several potential Team Discmania Players! . Thanks to the Kyle Griffin, the City of Wellington for helping us promote and to everyone that took part in this awesome event! . Special thanks to Jeff Korns (@jeff.korns), Jaime Muro (@jaime__tarantino)and Austin Montgomery (@discmaniac.monty) for assisting with the organization and operation of this great event! . Congrats to Shad Green (356 pts), Caleb Bruce (309 pts), Joshua Matheison (299 pts), Deiken Sarchet (295 pts), Kevin Alcala (267 pts), Bert Daniel (245 pts), Krissie Fountain (203 pts) and Jessy Prado-Smith (189 pts) for moving on to the next stage of qualification for Team Discmania! . #DiscmaniaCombine #Discmania #TeamDiscmania #DiscmaniaDiscs

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Nice turnout for our Discmania Combine in our new home of Wellington, Colorado!


And a Method ace! Great shot.


A lot of Cloud Breaker love this month, but this photo stood out. Loving this disc.


Bart with a killer ace!


Awesome ace. Awesome disc.


Asa, thank you for all your work at this year’s European Open!


Finishing vacation in style, indeed!


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The European Open is now over. I want to say thank you to the tournament staff and the Finnish fans for making this event the best in disc golf. I am honored I got to compete in such an event. Thank you to @robilaa, @and.rea.aru, @alberttamm, @marisperendi, @stommajoss, and Kaidi for making the whole experience a whole lot better! You guys rock 🇪🇪 As for my play, I took 2nd in the event which is a great finish at a Major. I am thankful I was able to play in front of the largest gallery in disc golf history. It’s an experience I’ll never forget. Congratulations to @paul_mcbeth for his 5th consecutive European title! Make sure you check out coverage on @spintvdg! #DiscGolf #Discmania #YearOfEvolution #ReinventYourGame #DiscmaniaStore #TeamDiscmania #GripEQ #DiscGolfStrong #TeamDiscGolfStrong #HukLab #WhaleSacs #AdidasOutdoor #AdidasTerrex #ZEALoptics #KeepOnDreamin

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This was a very cool moment! Eagle McMahon put on quite the performance and then made a few friends at the European Open.


One last ace to close things out. Keep them coming!

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