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Instagram Picks of the Shield: June 2018

Disc Life

From your neighborhood course to the top professional tournaments around the world, the disc golf scene is heating up in June.

Simon Lizotte returned to Finland after a trip through the United States and found some new friends. Around the world, we found aces, some beautiful disc golf courses and more in our monthly Instagram picks. 

What a beautiful shot! Can't beat this time of the year.

Beautiful disc golf sunset. The longer days are perfect.

Congrats on the MD4 ace!

Lunch aces are tasty!

Casual Mr. Sky Anhyzer loved meeting you guys too!

PD aces are made better with a little payout!

Two great discs made better with a little ink.

Fantasy Doubles at the Beast!

Simon met many new friends in Finland.

Me and Simon #fantasydoubles #discmania #deepintheforest

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More Fantasy Doubles fun with Simon.

Wow. What a scene.

DDx ace checking in!

A tough looking hole, but very pretty!

@eagle_wmcm "lay up" putt before tapping in for the win. 2018 Beaver State Fling.

A post shared by Stefan Radek (@not_renae) on

Congrats to Eagle on his win at the Beaver State Fling! Nice shots!

More friends for Simon!

Even our Colten Montgomery got in on the ace fun.

#discmania #reinventyourgame #maine

A post shared by Charles Martin (@charlesmartin2385) on

We always say it, but a little putting practice always helps!

Don’t forget to tag @discmaniadiscs and use the hashtags #discgolf, #disclife, or #discmania in your posts. Keep the photos coming! We love seeing what you come up with.

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