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Instagram Picks of the Shield: June 2019

Disc Life

We are seeing things heat up in the disc golf world! The tournament action has been great. A number of pros are heading to Europe for a few big events before returning to the United States in preparation for the 2019 PDGA World Championships.

June had some great disc golf from around the world. We loved seeing all your photos on Instagram this month.

Remember, tag @discmaniadiscs and use the hashtags #discmania or #disclife to have the chance to see your disc golf photos on Instagram featured.

We can’t think of a better anniversary gift!

What a great looking dye!

We love disc golf babies! Nice hat.

Congrats on the ace! Love the MD3.

Great looking dyed DD3s! Just in time for the 4th of July.

Congrats on the Combine performance. Good luck the rest of the way. Nice pic with the guys!

Beautiful course!

Congrats on the Ace, Colten! Great hole to ace on!

Great crew! Glad you’re on the team, Kyle!

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