🔓 New Triumph unlocked 🔓

Instagram Picks of the Shield: May 2019

Disc Life

Mystery Boxes are out, the Evolution has begun, and beautiful weather is hitting golf courses everywhere. This is shaping up to be a great summer. Check out our favorite Instagram photos from May 2019!

Remember, tag @discmaniadiscs and use the hashtags #discgolf, #disclife, or #discmania in your posts. We’ll review everything at the end of the month and showcase our favorites here.


That is the face of a man who has just realized how great the new Instinct is.


We appreciate all the love we’ve heard this month on the release of our first Evolution discs!


What an awesome dye job on this Instinct!


A beautiful end to the day!


Every day can be a good day when Discmania is involved! Hope the round was a good one.


Congrats on the first ace!


You have to watch the video! Simon Lizotte and one of his biggest fans.


Simon checking out an original pie tin… and nails it!


Keep your head up! It’s always a work in progress.


This is awesome! Watch the time-lapse of the drawing too. Unreal.


What an awesome dye job! The detail and execution is next level.

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