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Instagram Picks of the Shield: November 2018

Disc Life

Disc golf in November certainly had quite the mixture of seasons across the world. From bright fall colors to snow and just about anything in between, November had everything. 

Be sure to tag Discmania in your Instagram photos and use the hashtags #discmania, #disclife, or #discgolf in your posts so we notice them! We'll pick our selection of favorites at the end of every month.

Brand new Discmania MD5 and some great fall colors!

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#discmania #darkmaul #discgolf #spindye #pd

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Um... wow!

Looks like a beautiful, crisp day for disc golf.

Another beautiful looking day for a little disc golf.

Loving these wooded shots!

We are so proud of Team Discmania's Silas Schultz on winning the 2018 Next Generation Tour Championship!

Nice putter choice! The trusty Discmania P2.

Disc golf in the snow IS fun! Nice old school stamp.

A second opinion on winter disc golf... but, yes, we agree, that is a pretty scene!

Hey, look! It's Team Discmania's Colten Montgomery sporting one of our new Discmania hoodies!

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