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Lizotte sets the new Distance World Record

Simon did it! As we anticipated, Discmania Sky Team member Simon Lizotte went and broke the World Distance record on his debut appearance in a WFDF sanctioned distance event at Fall Desert Wind Open in Primm, just outisde Las Vegas, NV last weekend. The record-setting push was Simon's very first throw with a 157-gram Blizzard Champion Boss on the 2nd day of the competition. The new record now stands at 263.2m / 863.5ft, just over 8 meters further than Team Innova's David Wiggins Jr.'s previous record from 2012. The World Record throw was made in 17,1 mph wind.

Besides the World Distance record with a golf disc, Simon also broke the World Distance record for longest throw with mini marker disc with a mind blowing 161m/528ft throw. To make it even more interesting Simon had never thrown mini distance before this event.

Head over to Simon's Instagram to see a multitude of photos and videos from last weekend's event.

On Sunday evening, the Discmania USA crew arranged a small homecoming party for Simon at Discmania home base in Rancho Cugamonga. "Definitely one of the best weekends of my life", said Simon right after arriving back to Rancho. When asked what did it feel like when Simon first heard he had broken the WR with his 1st throw of the day, he replied: "It felt unreal. I couldn't believe my first try in great conditions turned out to be the best one!". Simon's tactic for the record breaking push was not to crush it with maximum power, but rather hit the line as cleanly as possible. "This being just the first distance event for me, I'm pretty confident I could throw even further in the right conditions", Simon concludes.


Big thanks to the Jarvis brothers for taking care of Simon during the weekend and providing us with updates from the field. A great big thanks also to everyone who followed the updates throughout the weekend on our social media channels. We believe this type of exposure is very good for our sport and sharing the news in social media will only amplify the effect. Stay tuned for Simon's commemorative World Record discs to pop up on Discmania Store in the near future.

Check out also Lizotte Disc Golf on Facebook.

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