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Legend of the Lost Stones Treasure Hunt!

Dallas Jr. uncovered new clues leading to gems hidden across the world! Will you be the one to find them?

Searching through possessions in his grandfather’s study, Dallas suspects the postcards and notes below are the key to locating Lost Stones.

Twelve total locations are suspected to hold a Lost Stone. Be quick to uncover them, as many will search but only few can succeed!

Rage Against the Mountain Light (DISCOVERED)

Stowed in a shaded waterway, the Rage Stone can only be seen looking toward the Rocky horizon.

Doomed by Genius (DISCOVERED)

From the beginnings of clever design, follow the sounds of the rushing river. Hidden behind the largest giant, the Doom Stone awaits.

Night Shrouds the Canyon (DISCOVERED)

Staring boldly between danger and the path well traveled. The Night Stone longs to rest amongst the stones of the Canyon green.

The Cosmos Never Sleep (DISCOVERED)

In the center of an urban jungle, the Cosmic Stone rests. Look on the Hill named after our favorite pastime's predecessor.

Free Jär Mind (DISCOVERED)

The Mind Stone hides as vittra in the land of blue and yellow. Tread carefully and carry a toll to walk above the treasure you seek.

Mute Bird’s Thunder (DISCOVERED)

To find the Thunder Stone, you must first enter the most treacherous obstacle. Great relief will have you standing over the Stone.

The Deutsch Phenom (DISCOVERED)

Approach the fourth challenge in the largest arena of the land. Components for fire nest the Phenom Stone.

Crown of Heather (DISCOVERED)

Bergfrue and heather cover the lands where the Crown Stone lay. Two short of a dozen, tucked in timber, Holta holds the treasure.

Dark Headquarters (DISCOVERED)

The Black Shield claims domain at the city containing the Dark Stone. Center yourself to embark toward your goal.

The Sunshine’s Shadow (DISCOVERED)

Southern sun covers The View. Do not let barriers stop your quest!

Is This Real??

Yes, Lost Stones discs are actually hidden around the world for you to find! Use the clues and pictures above to find them first!

Can't discover these hidden Lost Stones? Do not fret, your chance to uncover your own comes soon

Click here to see the full Legend of the Lost Stones Mystery Box page!

"Those who seek these Stones must search far and wide amongst the challenges we hold dear. I give you ten across the world to uncover, and two more only a mouse can discover."  - Dallas Walton

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