🔥 Kick off the season with team DM 🔥

Meresmaa in the lead after R1 at USDGC!

The weather treated the competitors well at the first round of United States Disc Golf Championships, a tournament coined as the "SuperBowl of Disc Golf". Warm and mostly calm conditions helped push the scores below PAR for the most of the field, as a record-breaking 80+ percent of the Open field scoring one or more under the course PAR 68. Another result-improving factor was definitely the more relaxed OB policy this year: Instead of stroke and distance, a player throwing OB now just needs to re-throw without a a penalty shot. This rule is commonly known as the buncr-rule.

Team Discmania got started the tournament with a great momentum, as Mr. Discmania himself, Jussi Meresmaa, shot an incredible -12 (56) and is now tied to the lead. Jussi even started his round with a bogey on hole one, but managed to get his game on track right after that by shooting 10 birdies and 1 eagle on the next 12 holes. Will Shcusterick (-9), Avery Jenkins (-7) and Seppo Paju (-6) of Team Discmania are still in the game for the top spot as there's still 3 rounds of Disc Golf to be played.

The action will continue today at 8:00 AM (EDT) and the lead card tees off at 10:20 AM. Be sure to follow the events as they happen via live broadcast at DiscGolfPlanet.tv and live scoring at usdgclive.com!

Handy links:

DGP.tv live broadcast

Live scoring


PDGA.com results & ratings page 

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