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New Release: Discmania C-Line MD5

Tour / Promotions

It has been one of the most anticipated releases from Discmania in quite some time. We’ve heard the demand, we’ve read the comments, and the wait is finally over. The new Discmania C-Line MD5 is here!

This new small diameter midrange is the most overstable midrange in our lineup to date. It is designed to handled the utmost power and always provide that reliable fade at the end of the flight. While many wished for a utility-style midrange, we feel the MD5 can accomplish that, plus a little extra.

Discmania C-Line MD5

Flight of the MD5

The Discmania MD5 comes in with flight numbers of 5, 3, 0, 4. Right off the bat you can expect a disc that can handle as much as you can give it and still have some fight left in the end.

Throughout all of our testing we could see extreme amounts of power be put behind the MD5 and it fought off everything with ease. When thrown flat and straight ahead, it will hold the line you initially release it on before watching it fade out hard at the end.

If you give it some hyzer on release, it will hold that line from start to finish and possibly even carry a little further to the left for a RHBH disc golfer.

When faced with a headwind, the MD5 will ensure that your confidence does not drop on the next shot. The MD5 will fight that headwind, remain on the line you intended it for, and still finish in predictable style.

The C-Line MD5 does have a small dome on the top, but it doesn’t detract from the flight or the feel. With a blunt nose and slightly convex bottom wing, the MD5 is one of the most comfortable midranges available.

Discmania C-Line MD5

More than a Utility Disc

It is easy to think of any small diameter, overstable midrange as a disc just for unique situations. That might mean you need it for those little chip shot approaches or where you need it to get around an obstacle close to the basket. The MD5 can easily handle those shots, but it has another trick up it’s sleeve.

During our development of the MD5 we could throw it on a tight flex shot and could gain some surprising distance with it without sacrificing control.

The MD5 will want to fight out of any slight anhyzer angle, but will do so by continuing to fly forward. Once it returns to flat, it will begin to flex back the other direction and fade before it hits the ground.

Once you learn just what the MD5 wants to do on it's own, you can take advantage of that and open up many new shots.

How to Purchase a MD5

The new Discmania C-Line MD5 will go on sale Wednesday, November 21. Exact release times are listed below.

United States: 9 a.m. Pacific/Noon Eastern
Europe: Midnight EET

The MD5 will be available worldwide at the Discmania Store, InnovaStore in Europe, and at your favorite Discmania Dealer.

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