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New Releases: S-Line DD3 and McMahon Signature Iron Samurai MD3

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The countdown is on for the release of two new Discmania discs. One has been long awaited and the other is sure to become a favorite midrange of disc golfers everywhere.

The time has come for the Discmania S-Line DD3 and Discmania Eagle McMahon Glow Metal Flake C-Line MD3 Iron Samurai.

Discmania S-Line DD3

Discmania S-Line DD3

Ever since the release of the Cloud Breaker DD3 this winter, there has been one question on the minds of disc golfers everywhere: When is the DD3 being released? We can finally answer that: Wednesday, May 22 is the release of the Discmania S-Line DD3.

“The DD3 reinvented the way I think about distance shots,” Team Discmania’s Eagle McMahon says. “Whether I’m throwing backhand or sidearm, the DD3 gives me confidence looking down the fairway. The mold offers an incredible culmination of speed, glide, and semi-overstable stability. It has helped me add significant range to my distance game without sacrificing control. I would recommend the DD3 to a wide range of skill levels since there are many different uses for the disc.”

Flight of the DD3

The DD3 has the ability to be the go-to distance driver for disc golfers of all levels. The strongest arms will see a little bit of turn, but the DD3 will easily stand up to the even the strongest throws. For those who don’t have quite the pro-level strength, expect the DD3 to have a little movement to really carve out a great flight.

While heading down the fairway, the glide of the DD3 is head turning. As it hits the fairway, the DD3 will get into the highest gear and move. Let it rip and the DD3 will do the work.

At the end of the flight, the fade will be reliable. Lower arm speeds will see a strong fade to close out the flight while those with a little more power will be able to control things with ease.

This isn’t a disc just for backhands though. Don’t shy away from a forehand throw with the DD3. It won’t back down.

If you’re a fan of a beat in PD2, this can do it right out of the box. We’ll make a prediction: disc golf bags everywhere will have the DD3 as their go-to distance driver before the end of the year.

Discmania Iron Samurai MD3

Discmania Eagle McMahon Glow Metal Flake C-Line MD3 Iron Samurai

For the last few years, the annual signature MD3 for Eagle McMahon has been one of our most popular releases of the year. It’s been a staple midrange for a number of disc golfers of all skill levels. For 2019, we’re again taking things to the next level.

Introducing the Discmania Eagle McMahon Glow Metal Flake C-Line MD3 Iron Samurai. The Iron Samurai has the discipline and strength of the legendary warrior to fight its way through any disc golf course. Along side the DD3, the Iron Samurai MD3 will be released on Wednesday, May 22.

Flight of the Iron Samurai MD3

The Iron Samurai MD3 has enough stability for the strongest of arms while also not being intimidating for those with a little less power. On the strongest of throws the Iron Samurai MD3 might show a little turn, but it will never be to the level that you can’t control it. If you don’t fully power it up, it will hold a very straight line with confidence.

As the disc begins to slow down the trusted fade of the MD3 will kick in and finish to the left just as you planned. It won’t get away from you and it won’t leave you hanging either.

The Iron Samurai MD3 will command the fairways on disc golf courses around the world.

Release Date of the DD3 and Iron Samurai MD3

For the first time two new Discmania discs will be released on the same day. The S-Line DD3 and Iron Samurai MD3 will be released at 9 a.m. Mountain Time on Wednesday, May 22.

The two discs will be available in the US and Worldwide on the Discmania Store, in Europe at InnovaStore, and Discmania dealers around the world.

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