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News from the tour

Things have been so busy lately at the Discmania office in Finland, that reporting about our Pro Team's success have been scarce this season. Even without reporting, our Team has been doing great this year, both in Europe and the US. If you haven't been following what Will Schusterick has been up to lately, you really should. The kid has definitely found his A-game while touring with Pro's like Dave Feldberg, Nikko Locastro and Cale Leiviska. The boys form together NonStop Disc Golf crew, which is definitely worth checking out if you haven't already. Visit their website here or check out their latest videos on YouTube.

Playing with the other Pro's has really helped Will to get his game on track and as an evident of this Will has won GBO, SOKY Championships and Standing Rocks Open just within the last month or so. Among the wins, Will has become a staple in the final four, as he's been placed outside the final-4 only once this year out of the 10+ competitions he has attended. Keep an eye for Will out there on tour. He is right now definitely in top 5 of the touring pro's this year and now that's he has found his winning game, who knows if there's anyone who will hold him back on this year's Major events like Stockholm Open and PDGA Worlds.

Our Deep in the Game host Avery Jenkins has also kept himself busy by doing great in tournaments like the Memorial & GBO while still finding time market the sport. Alongside the highly acclaimed Deep in the Game instructional video series, Avery just came out with a Frisbee trick shot video with YouTube phenomenom Brodie Smith:

Meanwhile in the old Continent

Last weekend was victorious in for the Team in Europe too, as Angelica Frantz took home the title from Swiss Open in the MPO divisions with a nice 6-stroke stretch to swiss local, Natalie Holloköi. In the Open division, Jesse Heinonen, who recently became a father, started his touring season with a solid 2-place finish after his countryman Ville Piippo. There's still a lot of great tournaments to come both sides of the pond, so be sure to check back on Team Discmania's success on tour this year!

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