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Now in Flight: The G-line PD2

We're proud to introduce the G-line PD2, just in time for cold weather rounds of the fall/winter season! We took the super grippy and durable G-line plastic and merged it together with our Discmaniac favorite PD2 mold with some great results. We found out that when thrown with power this disc is a long straight bomber that can handle ample amounts of torque.

During our testing we found that the G-line plastic gave us the longest flights over all the premium plastic PD2's in the market. You can also expect added controllability in different weather conditions thanks to the great grip this disc provides. When we went for spike hyzers the disc just seemed to hit the ground and stick, a very useful attribute especially when playing on hard frosty ground. Give the G-PD2 a shot and we bet you’ll find yourself reaching for it over and over again when absolute control and power are needed.

International release date: November 2nd, 2015.

Available weights: 165-175g

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