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Oskari Vikström joins Team Discmania

Tour / Promotions

For years, we’ve been able to find countless disc golfers who are on the verge of breaking through to the next level. We strive to offer support to the next big names in disc golf.

Today, we welcome Oskari Vikström to Team Discmania. The 15-year-old from Jyväskylä, Finland made his debut on the team last weekend at the Finnish Pro Tour event where he finished in fifth place amongst some of the best in the country.

Welcome to Team Discmania! Tell us a bit about yourself… Who is Oskari Vikström?

I’m 15-year-old guy from Jyväskylä, Finland. When I’m not playing disc golf I’m most likely spending time with my friends, playing football, or just hanging out. My favorite past time is disc golf and I practice about 1-4 hours almost every day. I love competing and the bigger the event, the better. I try to compete as much as I can.

After two subsequent podium finishes Vikström is gunning for the Finnish Championship. Photo: Eino Ansio.

Your home town Jyväskylä is one of the big disc golf hubs in Finland. What’s your favorite local course? Why?

Keljonkangas DiscGolfPark. I like the course because of it’s versatility. You need to be able to execute many different kinds of shots on it if you want to score low. I don’t think that my local courses have had a huge role in my skill set though - the shots I throw best are the shots that are the most fun to throw.

What’s your most memorable disc golf moment?

It’s probably my first Open division victory... The thing that makes it really memorable is that got hot tub as a prize.

What are you looking forward to most in 2018?

My trip to Czech Rebublic and the Konopiste Open 2018. I’m very excited about that event because it’s my first ever major event. I hope to play well there.

Another event that I’m really looking forward to is the European Championships in August. I got a spot on the Finnish national team and my goal is to win the junior division in that event. I think soon after that event it’s time for me to take the step to the pro status.

Vikström will make his first tournament trips outside Finland this season. Photo: Eino Ansio.

Is there a specific Discmania disc that has helped you to reinvent your game?

I have many favorites but if I’d have to pick one the most important Discmania disc for me is probably the Glow C-line MD4. You can rely on it every time in all conditions.

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