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Preview to Presidents Cup

20th of July marks the date of the "homecoming" of the most prestigious team event in the history of Disc Golf, The Presidents Cup. This Ryder Cup -styled intercontinental match play event was founded by Discmania CEO Jussi Meresmaa in 2006 and this year it's back in European soil after being held a day before USDGC last year. Once again the event will feature top pro's from both sides of the pond formed together as two teams: Team USA and Team Europe. Historically Team USA has been victorious in these events and this year the predictions are on U.S. side once again, thanks to their star-studded line up of the top players of our beloved sport.

Discmania CEO and TD of the Presidents Cup, Jussi Meresmaa Discmania CEO and TD of the Presidents Cup, Jussi Meresmaa

Discmania is also heavily invested in the event, as Jussi Meresmaa is the TD of the Presidents Cup and the Discmania staff have been working hard on both the Cup and the European Open that will follow Wednesdays event. Team Discmania is also well represented as both Team USA and Team Europe have Discmania Team members. Fighting for the old continent are Finns Anne Matilainen and Seppo Paju, who is also the reigning World Champ in Juniors U16 division. Discmania is represented in Team USA by USDGC Champ Will Schusterick. See the complete team line-ups below:

The scores of the Cup will be updated live as-they-happen to the opendiscgolf.com -website and stories and photos will be available in the European Open blog and beyond. Also the European Open -facebook page is something we recommend to follow for updates and latest news. After the Cup, our friends at DiscGolfPlanet.tv will be running a feature broadcast simultaneously from both sides of the pond with interviews and more so if you are not able to be at Nokia in person you might as well take a good position in that internet chair of yours 'cause on Wednesday the 20th of July Disc Golf will be what's happening in the good old intertubes!

Here a list sites you might want to keep an eye on:

The European Open blog @ tumblr

Opendiscgolf.com - the official tournament site

European Open @ facebook

Presidents Cup -website


Oh, and by the way, if you're into sports betting, why not put some money behind your favorite guy in the EO since it's now listed at Unibet(!). At least to our knowledge betting for disc golf has never been possible before at a Major sports betting organization!

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