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Simon and Eagle Sign 2-Year Deals

We are extremely happy to announce that we have signed both Simon Lizotte and Eagle McMahon on Team Discmania for seasons 2017-2018. They both have become the faces of the company and they represent qualities that are important to us.

Now also Eagle is on our highest team level - Team Sky. He started on the Promotion Team level two years ago, made it to the Touring Team last year and now he'll try his wings on the Sky Team level. Eagle has amazed us with his personality and performances.

We got quick comments from both players:

Eagle: "I am proud to say that I just have just renewed my contract with Discmania for another 2-years. When I got sponsored I was just a junior in high school with only a small idea of what the game of disc golf had in store for me. Looking back, my experiences with the company have been incredible. The main thing that I am very grateful for, is that they saw the potential in me from the beginning and were willing to support me. I do not believe that any other companies would have gone so far for me considering I was almost a no-name player at the time. I am now in what I believe to be the best position for myself. The name and fan base that they have helped me establish is remarkable and I could not be happier. I am excited to be supported by an amazing company and I am sure that there will be many great moments to come."

Simon: "Discmania is my family, my home. Regardless of success or money, I always feel 100% supported. I love the team and the vision we have. I'm looking forward to future projects and I believe we can make a difference. Signing this contract was a "no-brainer" for me!"

We are currently planning a US spring tour with Eagle and Simon, and are hoping that Simon will be able to make a return in tournaments after being injured since the summer. Stay tuned for tour news!

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