Simon Lizotte Season 2017 Wrap-Up

Simon's Most Successful Season So Far

2017 was yet another amazing year of competing and traveling. Of course I am most happy about going completely injury free this year, except for my little back tweak just before the World Championships. But my knee was absolutely fine all season, even though I often was very cautious about my footwork. I managed to find myself in the top 3 at most events, which is for me a great sign of consistency and stability in my game. Overall it was definitely my most successful year.

Beating Paul or Ricky

Nowadays it seems like every event is basically a major, looking at the field of competitors you have to beat to win an event and how massively the events have improved on organization and professionalism. Every single tournament, finishing in the top 20 is good, finishing in the top 10 is very good and finishing in the top 3 is simply amazing. It is all about who can be Paul McBeth or Ricky Wysocki. I managed to beat one of them at a couple events, but never both. Those two guys are simply and obviously the next level everyone else is trying to reach. For me, an inspiration.

Use Your Chances to Win

I was feeling more confident than ever in my game and even though I often felt like I was not playing well at all, I found myself in a good position to win. An even better sign for me that I have what it takes to start winning. Thinking about all the chances I had this year to win big events and couldn’t use my chances hurts my brain. I know, that if I put my mind to it, I can give myself even more chances, and actually use them, in the future.

A Needed Off Season

Going into the off season now feels really good. I wasn’t feeling great, almost bored, with this sport. So a break is exactly what I need. We are making some great plans for next season and I have big hopes next year will be the best one yet. Not necessarily for my game, but for the sport. I am pretty sure I will be focusing on less tournaments but rather on promotional stuff. Of course I will be playing the bigger events and I am sure there will be smaller ones too. If things turn out the way I want them to and the way I think they are going to, 2018 will be extremely fun. For everyone. Players, organizers and spectators!!!

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