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Spring 2019 Production Announcement

Tour / Promotions

As a part of our normal product management procedures, we have decided to remove some of our models from production.

As of March 2019, we will not be producing the discs listed below. We’ll continue selling them as long as we have inventory available. Despite discontinuing the regular production of certain models, we still may use them in specialty runs.

Discs Removed from Production

The P3, MD2, CD, DD, TD2, and all G-Line products are being removed from production.

Discs Partially Removed from Regular Production

  • P1: C-line and S-line
  • P1x: P-line and X-line
  • P2: X-line, C-line
  • P3x: C-line
  • CD3: C-line
  • TDx: current 2017 mold discontinued, a more understable version to be evaluated
  • PD2: Blizzard C-line
  • PDx: C-line
  • DD2: P-line, C-line, S-line

Future Production Plans

We understand there will be mixed emotions with these changes. We are fans of each and every disc we produce. We are also excited about what the future will bring us. There are a number of products being produced for the Discmania Originals, Discmania Evolution, and Discmania Active lines that will fill the void that is left with this change.

While future production is changing, nothing is being removed from the Discmania Store or being pulled from dealers around the world. In fact, many of those discs are still widely available to dealers and will continue to be until the stock is empty. For dealers, further communication will be sent about these changes.

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