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Team Discmania victorious on tour last weekend

will schusterick team discmania

Our Team members dominated the courses on both sides of the Atlantic last weekend. On U.S. soil the young USDGC-champ Will Schusterick cruised away to his first A-tier victory at Southern Kentucky Disc Golf Championships held at Bowling Green, Kentucky. Such names as Bradley Williams (2nd place), Nikko Locastro (3rd place) and Nate Doss (4th place) we're no competition to Will this weekend, as he bombed solid 46 strokes under par final score with a five stroke spread to the competition. Will also reached pretty nice round ratings, especially on the first (1073) and third (1096) round. Teammate Avery Jenkins placed 7th with the final score of -32. See full list of results here.

Discmania Cash Money Tour Turku juliste

In Finland a whole new tour called Discmania Cash Money Tour saw the light of day for the first time this weekend. The first tournament in the 4 tournament series, equivalent to the U.S. National Tour, was played at the always sunny Lauste DiscGolfPark in Turku, Finland. A Turku native Seppo Paju ruled the homecourse in open division despite his sticky first round which placed him on the tied ninth place together with 5 other players. The win in Turku marked the third consecutive tournament win in open division for 16-year-old Seppo as he won both of the two tournaments he attended last weekend too. The storm warning has been given!

Seppo Paju Team Discmania

In women's division, a fellow Turku native and Team Discmania member Anne Matilainen took the title with ease by a spread of 38 strokes before Laura Uusi-Rasi who was placed second. Other Team Discmania members Jesse Heinonen (8th in MPO) and Leo Piironen (10th in MPO) didn't quite reach the level they we're aiming for this weekend, but thankfully there's a whole bunch of competitions left for 2011. Extra props are handed out to Discmania's own Juho Rantalaiho who once again did a great job as the Tournament Director in Lauste.

Full results of the Discmania Cash Money Tour Lauste here.

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