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The Final Stretch of Discmania Boot Camp

Eagle and I are still going strong here in Switzerland, working on our mental and physical strength every day. It's crazy to think it's been four weeks now. On the one hand, it feels like the time went by quickly. On the other hand, we are both really glad to be almost done with our five-week Boot Camp. G-Balance Disc Golf coaches Andreas and Irene are pushing us to our limits daily. Working out never gets easier. It's a challenge every time so we are quite glad to be going back to throwing frisbees in a week.

Different Goals

Eagle and I both have different goals. Different goals here in our Boot Camp and different goals for our future and career. I'm working on losing weight, where as Eagle is trying to gain weight. Watching Eagle eat 5-6 times a day can be tough when I need to sit there and watch feeling quite hungry. My body is so used to getting food whenever it wants. Sometimes, I really need to remind myself that I am six years older than Eagle. Maybe this sounds silly, but a 19-year-old body compared to a 25-year-old body is a pretty big difference. I still feel like a kid, but my body doesn’t always allow me to feel like one anymore. That's something I really need to get used to.

Irene Gertsch of G-Balance in a coaching session with Simon and Eagle.

Biological Age

I have managed to lose roughly 15 pounds in these four weeks and I was able to drop my biological age from 38 to 25. I honestly don’t know how accurate or reliable these statistics are, but it's an interesting thing to think about. Eagle's body is 13. That's about as healthy and young you could be at 19 years old. I wonder how old I was biologically when I was 19. This all comes down to how active you are and how good your diet is. Being vegan seems to be quite the decision when it comes to your health.

Is the Pain Worth It?

These four weeks have not been easy for me. It was a complete change of lifestyle. From one extreme to another and my body was protesting. I was feeling sick, feeling weak, and my soreness was unreal. But when you push through the bad and rough times you will eventually feel the amazing difference. I can’t quite keep up yet with Eagle's running pace, but everything just feels better inside me. It’s easier to walk, it’s easier to sleep, and it's honestly simply easier to breathe. Everyone has to decide for themselves if these changes are worth the effort.

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