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Two new Swedes join the European Promotion Team

Less than a month ago we announced two new additions to our North American Promotion Team, and now it's time to welcome two newcomers to our European Promotion Team. Both of the new faces hail from the fine country of Sweden, home to many great players and possibly the best course in Europe, the Järva DiscGolfPark. We sat our new team members for a quick Q&A, so you can get to know them better:

Henric Hagman

Henric Hagman

Henric, situated in the Southern part of Sweden has been busy on the tournament scene in 2015. With pretty much half of the season left to be played, Henric has already played in 9 events, 3 of which he has won. Unlike the northern parts of Scandinavia, Henric's home town of Helsingborg and the rest of the Southern Sweden don't always get white winters, which allows Henric to play year-round for the most part.

1) Welcome to Team Discmania! What does becoming sponsored by Discmania mean to you?

Thanks! I'm truly honoured and proud to represent such a great company. It was one of my goals within a period over three years, so when Tommy Bessner contacted me this year I was really happy. It feels really good to wear that Team Discmania T-shirt when I'm on the course. Discmania is a really professional company that always delivers on top!

2) Tell us a little bit about your bag – Which Discmania models are your favourites and why?

I'm putting with the D-line P1x. The medium sized bead on the disc fits good in my hand. I'm getting good and consistent releases with that disc. A disc that many players is using, including me, is the C-line PD. This disc is a must have! Long distance with good control off the tee. The rim on the PD is not that big so you can get a good grip onto it, even with smaller hands. My favourtie type of shot is the hyzerflip to flat. The perfect disc for that is the C-CD2. It flies like a beat in C-PD out of the box! Truly amazing flight. And of course the PD2, I currently got 5 of those in my bag. All in different stability. When you got a stiff headwind to throw into, choose the PD2. The disc wont turn on you!


3) The stage is yours! Anything you’d like to share with our readers?

You can follow me on instagram with the handle @henrichagman. There you can ask me anything you'd like! Right now I live in the town of Helsingborg. It's located in the southern part of Sweden. I live in an appartment with my fiancé together with three smaller dogs and a bigger cat. I'm working hard to get better on all parts of Disc Golf and one of my goals  is to reach that 1000+ rating. When I'm not out and practising or at work, I like to spend time home with my fiancé and maybe watch a movie or two. Or at least try to watch, I'm always the one ending up sleeping half-an-hour into the movie. Haha! And one last thing I'd like to say is remember to have fun out on the course, that's the most important part.

Lars Jansson


Hailing from Uppsala, Lars has been playing disc golf for 8 years and during that time he's had the pleasure of experiencing the sport in places like Iceland and the birthplace of disc golf in California. You can always see "Lasse" on the course with a happy face and a great attitude. Lars considers the great atmosphere of the sport one of the main things that drives him to develop. "The best thing about disc golf is the way you get to travel and always meet new people that you can instantly get along with", says Lars.

1) Welcome to Team Discmania! What does becoming sponsored by Discmania mean to you?

Thank you, I’m super excited and glad for this opportunity! It means a lot to me to get picked up by Discmania. First of all, the discs are awesome. But the best part are the people behind the scene working hard to grow the sport and making it more professional and accessible. As I said before, I’m excited to be an ambassador on the course for Discmania.

2) Tell us a little bit about your bag – Which Discmania models are your favourites and why?

Before 2015 I used a mixed bag. The switch to an all Discmania bag was easier than I expected. The line up is well thought out and there is a disc for all your needs. I putt with D-line P1, they got that extra glide that I need to bang my putts. I’m a big fan of throwing putters and the P2 is a great thrower. I carry four in different plastic and stages of wear. For midrange shot I use MD3. Two P-line, one C-line and one C-Glow, you can’t go wrong with a few MD3’s. My favorite so far is the S-line PD. You can do everything with that disc, it goes far but is still very controllable. For distance i throw S-line DD. It's not the furthers flying disc but it's very predictable. If I feel a little crazy or just need that extra distance I go with the Echo S-line DD2, it by far my longest disc in my bag.


3) The stage is yours! Anything you’d like to share with our readers?

I like to share that I’m active on Instagram with the handle @lassejanssonDG, feel free to follow my disc golf adventures in Sweden. I started a new hashtag (#formfriday) a few months ago. The idea with the hashtag is to help each other improve your game. Post a video of yourself and tag it with #formfriday. Hopefully other Discmaniacs can help you improve and reinvent your game. When I’m not playing disc golf I like to play pool, boardgames and spend time with my wife and friends. See you on the course!


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