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DiscGolfPark® Launches in the United States

Our disc golf course concept - the DiscGolfPark® - has been a key to the disc golf boom at our origins in Finland. A majority of the courses in Finland (of approximately 500 in total) have been designed by Innova Europe, the owner of both DiscGolfPark® and Discmania® brands. Now we'll bring DiscGolfPark to the main disc golf market - the United States.

"We want to do our part to make the US disc golf scene bigger and better. If US had the same amount of courses as we do in Finland per capita, we would have 30,000 courses in the US today. Instead, there are only 6,000-7,000. So there’s plenty of room for more courses in this country. Our goal is to build 500 DiscGolfParks in the US by 2020.", says Erno Väyrynen - head of DiscGolfPark Operations in the US.

Read the article on discgolfpark.net!

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