DNA discs collection now available!

Discmania PDx - Exclusive Disc Golf World Tour Fundraiser


We bet you can figure out what this disc is all about - It's our newest Power Driver.

The PD and PD2 are two of the most fabled Discmania molds in our lineup. Top professionals like Paul McBeth and Simon Lizotte or anyone that carries these molds in their bag are looking for a fast overstable driver they can rely on to get the job done every time they reach for the disc. In order to break into the Power Driver slot a disc has to have what it takes. This brings us to what you’re here for – the PDx. This brand new driver is based off of the First Run C-LINE PD with a little added X-Factor. First run PDs offer a very sought after high speed stability and healthy fade but they still are able to work down the fairway unlike most discs in the same category. The PDx has the same familiar Power Driver shape that creates the same style of flight – the X-Factor of this new driver is that it is 1 notch faster on the speed scale that leaves it placed directly between the PD and PD2.

Reinvent your X-Factor and grab this Disc Golf World Tour exclusive fundraiser when they become available on December 16, 2015!

International release date: December 16th 2015.

Available weights: 175g

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