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Early 2022 shipping update

Where we're at

The finish line is in sight! Mystery Box season has come and gone (just about) and we wanted to send you some final info before we wrap this thing up.

What you need to know

Shipping this time of year can be unpredictable, unreliable, and chaotic. Many of you have grown anxious (for a good reason), inquiring on the whereabouts of your boxes. We're happy to see that those that did select UPS as their shipping option have had their packages delivered very quickly and successfully in most cases.

Note: A portion of boxes will be packaged in red boxes but will contain black box contents. In order to keep the remaining Rainmakers extra safe in transit, only the extra goodies in the box will be found in the hidden compartment and all disc contents on top.

Now to the other part. A few thousand orders from last week were either not picked up by USPS due to a few days of missed pick ups or another portion simply printed and waiting to be packed beginning from Friday the 7th until early this week. There are also many other instances that packages simply aren't being scanned often enough in transit but are still en route to you. Either way, we just want you to be aware that there are a few factors that may explain the reason you see an order "shipped" and no visible progress just yet. We understand that any unknown leads to many questions and lots of stress so we thank all of you for your patience during this time. As you can imagine, there are many emails and phone calls to be answered so if we have not met your expectations in any way, we also appreciate your patience in this regard as well. 

The good news

All orders are still scheduled to ship entirely by our published and promised deadline of Friday January 14. We certainly had our hands full during this time but are happy to report that your order will be carefully packaged and picked up for transit by this afternoon if you are still waiting for confirmation. Check out a few of these helpful resources posted before the release in case you want to brush up on the details we've listed via article, holiday break, and newsletters.


What we learned

We've thoroughly enjoyed our experience with Mystery Boxes this year and have learned many valuable lessons. We're also very proud of plenty of things that have been accomplished. That being said, that doesn't mean that we haven't taken every bit of feedback received to heart and are already planning on implementing much of it the next time around. Our promise to you is that we will always "Reinvent" our own game, make improvements on this exciting product any opportunity we get. One lesson that didn't need to be learned was that we still have the best and most passionate customers in the world. Thank you for being part of our Discmania family!

- The Discmania Staff

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