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Farewell Eagle

It is with heavy hearts we must announce the departure of Eagle McMahon from Team Discmania.

First and foremost, we want to thank Eagle for representing The Shield on and off the course. His contribution to both Discmania and the sport of disc golf as a whole is immeasurable. We will forever be grateful for his 9 historic years on Team Discmania.

Eagle started playing professional disc golf at just 13 years old, and even then it was obvious he would make an impact on our sport. His competitive drive, athletic ability, and love for the game were tremendous even at such a young age.

On June 9th, 2014 Austin Montgomery (then Team Discmania player, now Discmania Director of Operations) sent the message, “Give [Eagle] serious consideration.. Amazing young player!” On that advice Discmania reached an agreement with future NT Elite, Konopiste Open, Idlewild Open, Portland Open, and European Open Champion - which is just to name a few of Eagle’s accomplishments.

It has been an amazing journey watching Eagle become the role model and competitor he is today. Through all these victories and thousands of other amazing memories, Eagle has been a friend, an ally, and an inspiration for all of us here at Discmania.

We wish Eagle nothing but success in all his future endeavors inside and outside the sport of disc golf. We know his contribution to history is not over, and we look forward to watching it all unfold.

Over our shared 9 year journey, much has changed in the world of disc golf. With that change professional disc golf, Discmania, and Eagle have all grown exponentially. Reinvent Your Game has always been our mission and it's time for us here at Discmania, and Eagle, to do just that.

With somber news there’s often a silver lining. We have a lot of new and exciting things on the horizon. Stay tuned to see what 2024 has in store!

In honor of Eagle's 9 years at Discmania, we put together one last special drop for Discmaniacs everywhere. See all the details for the special Eagle drop here!

Keep on dreamin’

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