Huk Lab collaboration P2x now available!

Vault Release Incoming - Be Ready!

By now the news of Eagle McMahon leaving Team Discmania has probably reached you. While this transition is difficult, we're also extremely thankful for the 9 year journey we got to share together.

Over those 9 years we've been able to create dozens of amazing Eagle releases, some of which we couldn't help but throw in our Vault collection. Combined with the recent news, this means we have some extra special collector items we're happy to finally release to the world.

Our entire remaining inventory of Eagle Vault products will be dropped online on Thursday, January 11th. All Eagle products will be removed from both Discmania Europe and US sites on Monday, January 15th. This means you only have a short period to grab up the remainder of our Eagle McMahon Discmania discs.

With some of these products, the inventory might be not much more than a handful discs, so if you're aching to score some of them, please read this article carefully to increase your chances of success!

The Iron Samurai 2 is among Thursday's Vault releases

The Vault items are offered exclusively to Shield Club members

The Vault products are available exclusively to Shield Club members only. Make sure to login to your Shield Club account to be able purchase products from the Vault release. If you're not a member, join the Shield Club by creating an account here, and start enjoying the many benefits of the Shield Club right away!

The shopping cart does not reserve your products

The first key thing to understand about Vault releases and all other releases where the supply is expected to be lower than demand is that the products in your cart are in no way reserved for you exclusively. 

There's only one finish line - The "thank you" page

To make things simple, as it comes to releases where demand is higher than supply, being able to secure your products is a race where you need to cross the finish line before other eager buyers with the same product(s) in cart. There's only one finish line in this race and that's the order confirmation page you see when you return from the payment portal to our store. If you're not able to see this page or the confirmation page only lists some other item(s) you had in your cart, you unfortunately weren't quite fast enough. If the confirmation page does state that you've successfully placed an order and lists all of the items you had in your cart - congratulations, you made it! Now sit back and wait as we get your order ready to be shipped.

The Cloud Breaker 2's are among the gems of the Vault collection

Product options are limited for a good reason

With limited and highly contested releases, we tend not to list the products by specific weight, color and/or stamp color. Instead they are often listed as "assorted" or "random".

By not creating multiple different weight/color/stamp variations we're able to maximize the quantity of actual products we have in stock per variation. This helps mitigate the issue of people losing items in their cart and while at checkout as there's essentially more supply for the variation a mass of people is trying to purchase at the same time. Unfortunately this does not mean the issue will be fully eradicated - with every highly contested release there's always a high risk of coming up empty handed.

Releases happen 10 minutes apart

As you may be eager to purchase multiple different products from the offering we're putting out on Thursday, and with products not being reserved in cart, dropping all of these Vault products at once could easily create a very messy situation where as you add one product to your cart, another one already in there sells out. This can easily snowball into a loop of adding and removing items from your cart before finally being able to place a successful order.

For this reason, we chose to phase out the drops with 10 minute intervals. While this also may seem cumbersome to some, it allows everyone to focus on securing a single product at a time.

The exact times of each release are shown on their respective countdown timers. These are visible only until the release takes place.

While some of the products may sell out practically instantly, most likely not each and every one of the Vault products will be sold out within seconds, or even within the 10 minute release interval. We hope this will allow at least some of you to combine multiple products in your order. 

Contact us to combine order shipments!

Since Vault products drop within 10 minute intervals, we understand that some of you may want to secure the discs you want by placing individual orders per each disc they desire. For this reason we're offering the possibility to combine multiple orders placed between Thursday (Jan 11th) and Sunday (Jan 14th) in a single shipment and get the excess shipping costs refunded.

Please note that we will not do this automatically if you place multiple orders. If you wish to get your orders combined and excess shipping refunded, contact our customer service via email and list the order numbers of the orders you want combined.

Combining orders like this is fairly labor-intensive for our customer service, so orders with combined shipping may face a longer processing time. Please note that we're unfortunately not able to combine your Vault product orders with orders placed prior to the Vault release window. If you choose to place an order for the Cloud Breaker presale product along with your Vault orders and ask for us to combine those, all items in your order will ship once we have the Cloud Breakers ready to ship. This could be multiple weeks.

We are not able to combine orders with any outstanding orders placed before Thursday, January 11th.

Purchase limits will be applied

With the inventory on each Vault item being extremely limited, there will be purchase limits in place on most of them. Purchase limits are set in an effort to maximize the quantity of eager customers that are able to pick up one or more of these highly desired discs. However, only on relatively rare cases the purchase limit is set to just a single disc, as we also want to be able to offer our customers the opportunity to acquire backups if they choose to throw these gems.

We will inform the purchase limit per each individual release on our Thursday newsletter, that will go out to Shield Club members 15-45 minutes prior to the release. Purchase limits will also be shown on the product pages once the products go live.

Selections between Europe and USA stores will vary

While both of our Discmania Stores will feature many of the heavy-hitting items, there's some difference between the European and US selections. The main difference is the test configuration products, which are only offered in Europe. Both stores do offer worldwide shipping (Russia excluded). So no matter where you are, you're able to buy from either store, although shipping rates will vary.

The Discmania Store Europe releases will take place from noon EET onwards on Thursday, January 11th. Discmania Store USA releases will happen starting from 9 AM MST on the same day.

Why are these releases so limited? Can't you just make more?

A common criticism we encounter with limited releases like this is why isn't there more discs available, if there's people who wish to buy them. To some extent we have the power to affect this balance, but as it comes to Vault products, that's unfortunately not really the case.

The Vault products are, by definition, products that have been stored from years past for special occasions. This makes the supply very limited by nature. These are limited quantity discs set aside from past releases and stored with love and enthusiasm towards disc collecting.

As our production has moved from the US to Sweden within the past couple of years, we're not able to re-make these "vintage" items. 

After years of storage, Vault discs may feature varying degrees of discoloration as seen on this Crowned Eagle.

Product descriptions have a lot of useful info

We did our best to include a good bit of useful information on the product description of each Vault release product. Make sure to give those a read before you buy!

It's especially good to know that some of these products may no longer be in perfect collector condition. For some the reason for this is that they've been stored in warehouse conditions for several years by now. For others, especially the test configuration products, the stamp quality may vary quite a bit and some may even have seen a test flight. As a rule, we do not recommend taking part in Vault drops if you're not ok with the idea of receiving a disc that's not in absolute mint condition.

It's also good to understand that the product pages for all sold out products will disappear from our store in the coming days, so if you wish to keep records of some of the information presented in the product descriptions, taking some screenshots could be a good idea!

Good luck!

If you made it this far, congrats! With the information listed here, you'll be well equipped for success in your effort to score some of our Vault gems!

See the full list of Vault products with their respective release times here ->

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