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Updates to Discmania Releases and Dealer Agreements

Tour / Promotions

A few weeks ago we addressed the multiple situations surrounding the Cloud Breaker 2 release. We pledged to review our entire process to make the best possible changes moving forward. Customers just like you deserve better. Our Discmania Dealers deserve better. We can do better.

Today, we’re announcing the first set of those changes.

Audit of Discmania Dealer Accounts

A small amount of Discmania Dealer accounts have been approved to make orders for clubs or tournaments. These accounts will have limited access to our Dealer Store.

We still welcome clubs and tournament directors to make custom orders for event payouts or custom stamped discs. New release, speciality or signature release should not be purchased for those instances.

Tighter Approval Process for Dealer Accounts

Effective today, new Discmania Dealer Accounts must have the following:

  • Federal Tax ID Number
  • Reseller certificate
  • 501(c)(3) status if you are a club

Plus, one of the following:

  • Working website where you sell the discs
  • Brick and mortar storefront

Along with the above, we instruct new Discmania Dealers to not sell on Facebook (raffle, auction, or collector pages), Amazon, and eBay.

New Release Plans

Each release will be on a case-by-case basis with quantities available being the driving force behind each decision. Potential options include:

  • Normal release: All approved Dealers have access. Discs also sold on Discmania.net
  • Only Discmania.net
  • Discmania.net and brick and mortar dealers only
  • Only Dealers

Please note, “brick and mortar dealers” will include those online storefront dealers that also match the previously mentioned requirements.

Other options are always possible. Our goal will be to offer our releases to Dealers and on Discmania.net.

Limits on Restocks and New Release

Many of our recent and upcoming restocks have had or will have limits in place. This will allow as many of our Dealers as possible to get discs. Long established, high volume Dealers may receive the opportunity for additional products.


We are strongly encouraging Discmania Dealers to sell Discmania products between MAP (minimum advertised pricing) and MSRP (manufacture suggested retail pricing). If Dealers are found to be selling below MAP, action will be taken. Revoking Dealer status or limiting future new release purchase are two options.

We appreciate the freedoms that a free market offers, but seeing a newly released disc immediately being listed for double, triple (or more) than MSRP is not welcome. Being as close to MSRP as possible is what is encouraged.

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