Matt Schlabach
From: Des Moines, IA, United States
Born: 1984
Handedness: Right
PDGA: #48216
Joined Team Discmania: 2023
About Matt:
Started playing disc golf in 1998. After college, he starting playing disc golf competitively and joined the PDGA in 2011. Since then Matt has played over 180 PDGA events. Matt is also the owner of the two largest disc golf stores in Iowa. Matt grew his store from less than 1000 discs to over 45,000 discs in a few years. Matt also runs most of the events in Iowa. He is the Tournament Director of over 45 events each year.
Notable titles and feats:
2x Des Moines Open Champion
Des Moines Ice Bowl Champion
Understandable Run Champion
North Star Open Champion
2011 Iowa State Champion
27th Place at USDGC 2014
Tournament Director of 127 PDGA Events
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